Overnight Camp

Overnight Camp Schedule for 2025 is listed below, scroll down further to expand descriptions for each Program


We are thankful for another great camp season. Overnight Information and Registration for Summer Camp 2025 will open December 1st, 2024


2025 Overnight Camp Schedule
Week From To Camp Grades Site
Week 3 Tues Jul 1 Thur Jul 3 July 4th Family Camp All Ages Adventure
Week 4 Sun Jul 6 Fri Jul 11 Camp Mania 3rd-6th Main
Week 4 Sun Jul 6 Fri Jul 11 Youth Camp 6th-12th Main
Week 4 Sun Jul 6 Fri Jul 11 Into the Wild 3rd-6th Adventure
Week 4 Sun Jul 6 Fri Jul 11 Into the Wild: Above & Beyond 6th-8th Adventure
Week 4 Sun Jul 6 Fri Jul 11 Sr. High Adventure 9th-12th Adventure
Week 5 Sun Jul 13 Wed Jul 16 My Grown-Up & Me: 3 Night Ages 4 – 7 Main
Week 5 Wed Jul 16 Fri Jul 18 My Grown-Up & Me: 2 Night Ages 4 – 7 Main
Week 5 Sun Jul 13 Fri Jul 18 Adventure Quest 3rd-6th Main
Week 5 Sun Jul 13 Fri Jul 18 Youth After Dark 6th-12th Adventure
Week 6 Sun Jul 20 Thur Jul 24 Young Children’s Splash Zone 1st-3rd Main
Week 6 Sun Jul 20 Fri Jul 25 Teen Travelers 6th-12th Main
Week 6 Sun Jul 20 Fri Jul 25 Children’s Pioneer 3rd-6th Adventure
Week 6 Sun Jul 20 Fri Jul 25 Jr. High Pioneer Outpost 6th-8th Adventure
Week 7 Sun Jul 27 Thur Jul 31 Young Children’s Nature Explorer 1st-3rd Main
Week 7 Sun Jul 27 Fri Aug 1 Eco Explorers 3rd-5th Main
Week 7 Sun Jul 27 Fri Aug 1 Youth Adventure 6th-12th Adventure


*New* July 4th Family Camp - Week 3 | For Families of All Ages | Adventure Site

For all ages

Week 3: Tuesday July 1 – Thursday July 3
Camp Number: 699
Cost: $95, $120, Tier 3 $145*

 Join us with your Family to experience the thrill of camp during the week of July 4th! We will sing silly songs, take a ride on the Haywagon, and have meaningful Bible studies together as a Family. We will end Thursday afternoon with a BBQ picnic!

Family Camp will start Tuesday July 1st at 2:00pm and end Thursday July 3rd at 2:00pm

*Pricing for Family Camp is based on age

Children’s Camp Mania - Week 4 | Grades 3rd- 6th | Main Site

For youth having completed grades 3rd-6th

Week 4: Sunday July 7 – Friday July 12

Camp Number: 609
Cost: Tier 1 $475, Tier 2 $525, Tier 3 $575

This program is designed for 3rd to 6th graders who love having fun! You’ll enjoy the most popular activities that camp has to
offer. During the day, campers will experience archery, sling shots, pedal carts, crafts, nature exploration, boating and
swimming, just to name a few. Nights offer a time for the most cherished camp activity of all…campfire and s’mores! If you
are looking for tons of fun with kids your own age, this is the camp for you. Join us for a week of making memories that will
last a lifetime, with a God who has great things planned for you!

Youth Camp - Week 4 | Grades 6th-12th | Main Site

For youth having completed grades 6th-12th

Week 4: Sunday July 7 – Friday July 12
Camp Number: 612
Cost: Tier 1 $475, Tier 2 $525, Tier 3 $575

This unique camping experience is geared for all 6th through 12th grade youth. Spend the week participating in exhilarating activities as you grow in your faith. Challenge yourself on a 500 ft zip line, climbing tower, and our Treetop Adventure Course. Enjoy fun activities including archery, swimming, boating, talent night, and night games. Come experience God in the fun, the challenges, the times of reflection, and powerful worship.

Volunteer Program Leaders: Brandon Glover & Michaela O’Connell


Into the Wild - Week 4 | Grades 3rd - 6th | Adventure Site

For youth having completed grades 3rd – 6th

Week 4: Sunday July 7 – Friday July 12
Camp Number: 686
Cost: Tier 1 $475, Tier 2 $525, Tier 3 $575

Run into the wild to find new and unique experiences as we introduce you to fun activities both individually and in a team
setting. Each camper will discover ideas and activities that challenge their personal capabilities and strengths. Campers will
experience God through community, recreation, and bible study. Campers will also learn about wilderness survival skills like building a campfire, creating a lean to shelter, and identifying poisonous plants and snakes. Perfect for the camper who loves exploring outdoors! Activities include climbing tower, boating, swimming, archery, slingshot, nature exploration, and campfire cooking. Evenings include campfires and games!

Volunteer Program Leader: Maria Rupp


Into the Wild Above & Beyond - Week 4 | Grades 6th - 8th | Adventure Site

For youth having completed grades 6th – 8th

Week 4: Sunday July 7 – Friday July 12
Camp Number: 687
Cost: Tier 1 $475, Tier 2 $525, Tier 3 $575

All the fun and adventure of Into the Wild with additional activities like our Treetop Challenge Course, Flying Squirrel, Zip
Line, and night games! Campers will experience God through community, recreation, and bible study. Campers will also learn about wilderness survival skills like building a campfire, creating a lean to shelter, and identifying poisonous plants and snakes. Perfect for the camper who loves exploring outdoors! Activities include
climbing tower, boating, swimming, archery, slingshot, nature exploration, and campfire cooking. Evenings include campfires and games!

Volunteer Program Leader: Maria Rupp


Sr. High Adventure - Week 4 | Grades 9th-12th | Adventure Site

For youth having completed grades 9th-12th

Week 4: Sunday July 7 – Friday July 12

Camp Number: 642
Cost: Tier 1 $500, Tier 2 $550, Tier 3 $600

You have a choice to make the summer of 2025 the best one of your life! Let’s start it off with a week of community,
adventure, teamwork, spiritual growth, and making new friends at Senior High Adventure! Camping at our adventure site is a
past time cherished by generations of campers. Spend time doing traditional camp activities, making and cooking on
campfires, being challenged on a variety of ropes courses, and spending a day offsite at Knoebels! You will spend the week
experiencing God, making commitments, hearing testimonies, participating in worship, and taking part in an amazing
community. Pack your bags and meet us on THE HILL this summer! (Price includes a day at Knoebel’s Amusement Park.)

Volunteer Program Leader: Matt Klein


My Grown-Up & Me - Week 5 | 3 Night | Main Site

Children age 4 – 7 yrs old and their Mom, Dad, Grandma, Aunt, Uncle, etc.

Week 5: Sunday July 13 – Wednesday July 16
Camp Number: 600
Cost: Children #600 – Tier 1 $245, Tier 2 $260, Tier 3 $295
Adults #600A – Tier 1 $265, Tier 2 $280, Tier 3 $315

This program is for campers ages 4-7 and their grown-up, special friend, or family member. Campers will experience
camp together in the beautiful outdoors! Enjoy being bunkmates, meal pals, and nature hiking buddies! Spend three nights
together enjoying games, crafts, nature, playing in the lake, and singing around the campfire. This camp is a great way to
introduce your little ones to camp and create lasting memories.

My Grown Up & Me: 3 Night starts on Sunday July 14th at 3pm and ends Wednesday July 17th at 10am.


Program Leader: Elizabeth Perfetti

My Grown-Up & Me - Week 5 | 2 Night | Main Site

Children age 4 – 7 yrs old and their Mom, Dad, Grandma, Aunt, Uncle, etc.

Week 5: Wednesday  July 16 – Friday July 18
Camp Number: 601
Cost: Children #601 – Tier 1 $160, Tier 2 $180, Tier 3 $220
Adult #601A – Tier 1 $180, Tier 2 $200, Tier 3 $240

This program is for our littlest campers ages 4-7 and their Grown-Up (Father, Mother, Grandma, Grandpa, etc.). Come experience camp together in the beautiful outdoors! Enjoy being bunkmates, meal pals, and nature hiking buddies! Spend two nights together enjoying games, crafts, nature, playing in the lake, and singing around the campfire. This camp is a great way to introduce your little ones to camp and create lasting memories.

My Grown-Up & Me: 2 Night starts on Wednesday at 3:00 pm and ends on Friday afternoon at 2:00 pm after lunch. This program is shorter than My Grown Up & Me: 3 Night to allow our youngest campers to experience all camp has to offer without becoming overly exhausted.

Program Leader: Elizabeth Perfetti 


Adventure Quest - Week 5 | Grades 3rd - 6th | Main Site

For youth having completed grades 3rd-6th

Week 5: Sunday July 14 – Friday July 19
Camp Number: 607
Cost: Tier 1 $475, Tier 2 $525, Tier 3 $575

Come join us for an exciting week of adventure and fun! Make new friends while enjoying great camp activities like the sling
shot range, archery, boating, crafts, hiking, swimming, and campfires. Don’t forget about making s’mores! Additionally, you’ll
get to participate in unique activities including night gaga, glow in the dark games, land and water Olympics, and our annual
“Quest”. Experience everything camp has to offer in a caring Christian environment while forming friendships to last a

Volunteer Program Leaders: Sarah and Aaron Bilby


*New* Youth After Dark - Week 5 | Grades 6th - 12th | Adventure site

For youth having completed grades 6th-12th

Week 5: Sunday July 14 – Friday July 19
Camp Number: 647
Cost: Tier 1 $475, Tier 2 $525, Tier 3 $575

Do you love staying up late with your friends? Then this program is perfect for you! Enjoy the traditional camp activities (archery, climbing tower, boating, Bible Studies, etc.) during the day and then stay up late for an After Dark activity. This program is for youth grades 6th – 12th.

Program Leader: Sarah Billings


Young Children’s Splash Zone - Week 6 | Grades 1st - 3rd | Main Site

For youth having completed grades 1st-3rd

Week 6: Sunday July 21 – Thursday July 25
Capacity: 26
Camp Number: 603
Cost: Tier 1 $360, Tier 2 $395, Tier 3 $430

Calling all guppies and mermaids! Join us for this new camp offering all the traditional fun of camp along with a slip-n-slide,
water games, and nature pond study. Campers will also experience swimming, pedal carts, crafts, nature, a hayride, and
evening campfires! This 5-day camp is a great way for young children to learn about God and share in a fun and loving
Young Children’s Splash Zone begins Sunday at 3pm and ends Thursday at 7pm.

*New* Teen Travelers: Camelback beach and Bushkill Falls - Week 6 | Grades 6th - 12th | Main Site

For youth having completed grades 6th-12th

Week 6: Sunday July 21 – Friday July 26
Camp Number: 610
Cost: Tier 1 $575, Tier 2 $625, Tier 3 $675

Teen Travelers is for youth grades 6th through 12th looking to experience camp activities, combined with TWO off-site trips. Campers will experience the thrill of one of our local water park attractions and will go hiking at Bushkill Falls to view EIGHT different waterfalls. Campers will also participate in on-site activities such as; Bible studies, Team Building, Ziplining, our climbing tower, and so much more! This program provides opportunities for campers to grow in their faith in a supportive community through Bible Discovery, Chapel, singing, and reflection. 

Volunteer Program Leader: Caroline Woska


Children’s Pioneer - Week 6 | Grades 3rd - 6th | Adventure Site

For youth having completed grades 3rd-6th

Week 6: Sunday July 21 – Friday July 26
Camp Number: 684
Cost: Tier 1 $475, Tier 2 $525, Tier 3 $575

This program is designed for adventure loving children looking for a more rustic camp experience! Children Pioneer campers
sleep in cabins on the Adventure Site, cook lunch over an open fire, hike on our nature trails, test their archery skills, make
candles and crafts, go fishing, and climb on our tower. And of course, boating, swimming, campfires, and evening games are always on the agenda!

Volunteer Program Leaders: Kate Toner and Marissa Barr


Jr High Pioneer Outpost - Week 6 | Grades 6th - 8th | Adventure Site

For youth having completed grades 6th-8th

Week 6: Sunday July 21 – Friday July 26
Camp Number: 685
Cost: Tier 1 $475, Tier 2 $525, Tier 3 $575

This program is for junior high youth looking for an awesome outdoor experience! Pioneer Outpost campers stay at the
Adventure Site, cook lunch over an open fire, test their archery skills, make candles, and experience high and low ropes
course activities. Campers go to the waterfront for swimming and boating daily and end each night with a campfire. Weather permitting, campers will sleep outside one night under the stars to experience the wonder of God’s creation!

Volunteer Program Leader: Renee Hartley 


Young Children’s Nature Explorers - Week 7 | Grades 1st - 3rd | Main Site

For youth having completed grades 1st-3rd

Week 7: Sunday July 28 – Thursday August 1
Camp Number: 604
Cost: Tier 1 $360, Tier 2 $395, Tier 3 $430

We’re going on a nature hunt! Join us as we explore God’s creation to find birds, insects, amphibians, and more! We will also
enjoy the traditional young children’s camp activities like crafts, boating, pedal carts, nature hikes, swimming, games, and an
evening campfire. Join us for 5 days of awesome fun!
Young Children’s Nature Explorer begins Sunday at 3pm and ends Thursday at 7pm.

Volunteer Program Leader: Jean Carter


Eco-Explorers - Week 7 | Grades 3rd - 6th | Main Site

For youth having completed grades 3rd-5th

Week 7: Sunday July 28 – Friday August 2
Camp Number: 605
Cost: Tier 1 $475, Tier 2 $525, Tier 3 $575

Join us for an exciting week of camp while we learn about God’s diverse ecosystems through hands on scientific
experiments and exploration of the vast Pocono Plateau landscape. During our exciting week, campers will also experience
all the usual camp fun like boating, swimming, archery, pedal carts, crafts, and gaga! We will learn together what an amazing
planet God has given us and how we can help preserve and protect it.

Volunteer Program Leaders: Kurt and Melissa Werner


Youth Adventure - Week 7 | Grades 6th - 12th | Adventure Site

For youth having completed grades 6th-12th

Week 7: Sunday July 28 – Friday August 2
Camp Number: 634
Cost: Tier 1 $475, Tier 2 $525, Tier 3 $575

Designed specifically for Jr. and Sr. High youth, campers will experience the adventure of living in the woods by cooking over an
open fire and sleeping in rustic cabins. Enjoy fun camp activities like night games, archery, sling shot, swimming, and
boating to name a few. Learn teamwork and challenge yourself on the high ropes adventure elements and zip line. Join us
for an amazing week of fun, spiritual growth, and mountain pies!

Volunteer Program Leaders: Liz Stoltzfus and Haylie Schiela 



Typical Overnight Camp Daily Schedule

7:30am Rise and Shine
8:30am Breakfast
9:15am Small Group Activity Block
10:15am Small Group Activity Block
11:15am Main Site: Small Group Activity Block
•Adventure Site: Lunch Preparation/Cooking

12:30pm Lunch
1:15pm Small Group Activity Block
2:30pm Afternoon Options: Includes Waterfront, Boating, Gaga, Basketball, Games, Crafts, Camp Store
4:30pm Rest/Showers
5:30pm Dinner
6:30pm Large Group; Evening Activities
8:00pm Snack & Campfires
Night Games (older camps)
Light Out based on Age Group

2025 Summer Camps

Camp Mission

Providing welcoming spaces immersed in natural surroundings for all to experience the Spirit of God and love of Jesus through community, recreation, and reflection.

Summer Camp Christian Curriculum

FruitFULL Faith: A Spirit-Filled Life

Galatians 5:22-23: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.


Still have questions? Contact us!

Pocono Plateau Camp and Retreat Center has been around for over 75 years. If you have a question, we have an answer!

Contact Us